About Me

For those of you who don’t know me…My name is Johanna,
I’m the creator of the Micro Method, a transformative approach that has helped countless high-achieving women reclaim control over their time and lead fulfilling, balanced lives.

Back in 2022, I was overwhelmed with work and constantly feeling guilty for not spending more time with my kids. I wasn’t present in any aspect of my life, which was definitely not the reason I left my corporate 9-5 job.

After sharing my frustrations with my coach, we devised a plan that involved spending less time working in my business. It sounded counterintuitive, but once I dedicated a weekend to being fully present with my family, I was hooked.

I immersed myself in productivity books, applied strategies from my demanding office job, and did extensive testing and tweaking until I found a system that worked. When this system helped dozens of other women reclaim their time, I knew I had something special.

I call it the Micro Method. It’s not just another productivity strategy; it’s a comprehensive framework designed for busy, highly ambitious women who are balancing their careers and personal lives. This method recognizes your unique challenges and offers a personalized roadmap to take control of your time.

The Micro Method covers essential areas including:

  • Aligning Values and Goals: Understand and align your core values with your career and personal goals to create a meaningful path forward.

  • Synchronizing Energy Patterns: Sync your most critical work with your peak energy times to maximize productivity and reduce burnout.

  • Proven Productivity Techniques: Implement refined productivity techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix and the Pomodoro Method, focusing on quality over quantity.

  • Integrating Life into Work: Embrace practices that incorporate personal time and mindfulness, ensuring a balanced life.

  • Mindset and Leadership: Develop a resilient mindset, enhance leadership skills, and learn effective delegation.

This isn’t just about ticking boxes faster, it’s about making sure every checkmark nourishes your soul and your goals. Through this method, I’ve helped women redefine productivity, nurturing spaces where they can thrive without guilt and trade overwhelmed schedules for harmony that sings.

Join me on this journey to reclaim your time and lead a balanced, fulfilling life.